Before you got the ball rolling, what part of learning Japanese was the hardest for you to jumpstart?

Began learning about a week ago, was just curious what was the biggest roadblock for people in their beginning process (and how they overcame it)

  1. The grammar, particularly particles, takes a bit of getting used to. It was only really after a couple of years of study and hearing/using Japanese for real that I could confidently wield は and が, and even now I probably don’t nail it 100% of the time…

  2. listening used to make me frustrated

    probably since reading was (still is) so much easier

    I’m not good at listening, mind you, I just have different expectations

  3. My biggest roadblock in the beginning was that I started learning with gamified apps and took way too long to figure out that they would take forever to get me to where I wanted to be (if they’d even get me there at all). I wasted a lot of time and wish I had switched to serious learning resources sooner. After that it was pretty smooth.

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