hair loss treatment

Hi Everyone,

After living in Japan I’m experiencing a lot of hair loss however recently it’s been going on faster than usual and starting to get empty spots on my backhead..I’m still in my late 20’s and trying to find if anyone had the same experience and having good results.
Appreciate your help 🙏

  1. I developed some form of alopecia few months after I moved here. I didn’t really have the budget to see a specialist at that time so I did some research and found Kaminomoto. Used the “Extra Strength” variety religiously and saw some growth after a bit more than a week.

  2. Just get some minoxidil foam from costco or wherever and a prescription for finasteride (propecia) and you’ll be fine. Better hair now than when I was 22.

  3. Same thing, had a matured hairline that wasnt receding over the the last 4 years but after 5 months in Japan my hair is vissibly thining on the top and my hairline, around the temples, receded approximately 1 cm…

    My diet is pretty much the same as always so I doubt thats the problem. Also my stress levels are waay lower now.

    I will probaly start topical fin and minox in a few weeks after finishing an unrelated back treatment since I dont think the “alternative” methods would do much for me.

  4. +1 to taking finasteride (generic propecia), which I’ve used for years. My understanding is, if I recall correctly, about 1/3 of people see regrowth, 1/3 stop loss (just stability), and about 1/3 don’t get any effect from it. So you have good odds that it’ll help, but it’s not guaranteed.

    植毛 if you’re interested in hair that.

  5. To those taking finasteride, do you have any concerns or experience any side effects? The risk of hormonal imbalances and sexual disfunction is enough to put me off and just resort to a short buzz cut and accept my fate until i eventually go the Musk route and get a transplant in Turkey

  6. Just shave it man. Girls like it way more when you rock a shaved head with confidence than when you pathetically try to hang on to the little bit of hair you have left.

  7. If topical hair treatments worked, there wouldn’t be a single bald man on this planet.

    If it bothers you that much, take a trip to Turkey and get a hair transplant.

  8. It might be the water in your shower as well, you could try a special shower head with a filter or vitamin C cartridge. I always notice a difference in texture when I shower at home vs somewhere with a plain shower head. Silk n Shower is a pretty common brand that’s found online and in drugstores.

  9. Try and use hair products that stimulate growth when my hair started falling out I switched to Tea tree based oil bath and hair products, and it started to grow back and stopped breaking. I also stopped doing unnecessary relaxing and hair treatments. Also, hair sheen can also help stimulate the root for growth as well. Try the shampoo and conditioner.

  10. I can’t get that nice Minoxodil pack at Costco since my prefecture doesn’t have one so I started trying off the shelf ‘tonics’ like the “Success” brand. So, the only one I have found to actually sprout little hairs is this brand “Fresh RiUP” in a black spray can. It has Japonica Swertia root extract and vitamin E. I used it for a month and on the first can, small hairs started coming up. If I bought this on Amazon I’d give star it. But, I found it at Cosmo drugstore for around $8.

  11. I have been on finasteride for 1+ year and no side effects. It hits everyone differently, but its worth a try. I split the pills in half and take once a day. You can get it for cheap in bulk on oosakado.

    There is a comment here about the side effects, and they can happen, but remember people who have it work our just fine are not usually the ones posting. I am happy I started early because I have seen a bit of regrowth, and have not lost anything since. It is so much easier to keep the hair you have rather than regrow.

  12. Just getting hairloss meds from oosakadou like someone else said is the best thing. Side effects are overstated by people who aren’t on it. There’s a 1% chance you’ll have side effects that lead to sexual dysfunction, and out of that group, another 1% chance that they don’t clear up within 3-6months (cant remember the exact number, but if you look at the research instead of anecdotes youll see).

    I hopped on 5 years ago and had 0 problems. (very minor side effects that cleared within the first month)

    By the way, if you’re getting random patches as opposed to just natural looking balding it may be a different kind of alopecia. If it’s the kind that crops up during stress which usually sorts itself out 6ish months after your stress is over.

  13. I’d recommend FR-12 topical treatment. You can get it online from the various Japanese medicine import vendors. I’d advise avoiding anything systemic like finasteride or dutasteride.

  14. You can get costco brand minoxidil as someone else mentioned.I’d probably not take propecia though (side effects are….eerrmm (not just ED)….and *personally* I’m not really a fan of being on elective pharmaceutical for the foreseeable future.)

    I’m being serious, but how’s your head shape? What if you just shaved your head? Cheaper, no side effects, less hassle, and think of all the yennies you’d save since you don’t need haircuts, shampoo, etc. anymore.

  15. I tried finasteride and I loss sexual drive. Stopped taking that shit. I rather be bald than my dick not working. Lol

  16. My hairline also has an allergy to my eyebrows since coming to Japan. My hairdresser told me my oubeijin dna is weak. Absolute sabetsu.

  17. Shinjuku I-land Hair Transplant Clinic.

    Very professional, more expensive than Turkey etc of course, but good quality, very responsive. Probable English support, not sure.

    got 2000 transplant, couldn’t be happier. No fin / min afterwards. About 3 / 4 years ago, transplanted hair healthy, the rest of natural hair around the crown is getting thin, so will probably get 2000 more to top off my crown and then never worry about it again.


    hit me up if you want to know more, mooch off of my refer a friend bonus

  18. Finasteride worked amazingly well for me, after ~4 months of taking it my hair started growing back and it was back to normal after a couple more months. It tends to work best if you start it early.

  19. Advice: Shave your head. Accept reality. You won’t fool anyone.

    Source: experience, all women,

  20. The one I quite liked is called incent hair Tonic, which uses ginger japonica and ginseng iirc (it touts itself as using herbs to combat loss). You should be able to find it at any drug store. Had been wanting to ship it from Japan, but it’s not possible now due to export restrictions ;u;

  21. Go to an AGA clinic. They will prescribe finasteride or dustasteride.
    The med’s around 16k for 30 tablets. But you can take half of those per day

    Side effects: lower sex drive

    Pros: thicker chest hairs

  22. I started shedding a lot here about 4 years ago (major helicopter pad on the top-back etc), and ive been taking 1g of finastride every two days since then.

    No side effects because of the low dosage, and my hair is once again thick.

    Id advise you to get a prescription from your home country tho because the drug is kinda expensive here. But if you have the moeny, id recommend Azabu Skin Clinic (they do bloodwork and health checks included for free).

    Good luck!

  23. Oops, something went weird with my original reply and cut out some of the info I tried including.

    Besides finasteride / topicals, the more serious, guaranteed, long-term solution which is also much more expensive, and a bit painful, is getting a hair transplant. Basically, they take follicles from parts of your head with more hair (e.g. sides/back of head), and graft them into the skin in area(s) you need more hair, e.g. bald spot or front hairline.

    It takes up to a year for all the transplanted hair follicles to grow back normally, but I think most of them should be growing in by about 6 months? I had a hair transplant last Sept, so almost a full year, and it definitely made a big difference.

    Keep in mind, any hair that was destined to fall out, still will. So if the transplanted hairs were going to go away at some point, that’ll still happen; but since people tend to retain much more hair for longer from those thicker parts of the head, they’re less likely to disappear. And the original hair that you haven’t lost yet in those top areas will continue to disappear if not prevented by other medicines.

    For hair transplants, you can search for 植毛.

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