Families in Tokyo to get 5,000 yen per child in battle against falling birthrates

Families in Tokyo to get 5,000 yen per child in battle against falling birthrates


  1. You’ll have to walk up to Fumio Kishida door step to pick it up and promise him not to speed it all in one go, it is meant for your kids now and not for the computer games. Because lord knows to well we don’t work all day to get by.

    Just to put that together and work out the maths Ireland is 21,052.54 yen (€150)

    America is $212.50 28,348.24 Japanese Yen.

    So we can see this is very poor and more of a tick in the box for the government.

  2. 1,000,000 yen to move your kid out of Tokyo or 5,000 yen a month to stay with them in Tokyo? Sounds like the government is confused.

  3. I am sure it is welcome for people who will have children anyway, but I would be concerned if receiving 5000 yen per month was a deciding factor on whether they can afford to have children or not.

  4. I thought Singapore(my country) giving out mere $3000 per child that would be gone in a month is ridiculous enough but here comes Japan taking the cake with their USD $37.

  5. No, but this is on top of the ¥15000 they already get each month.
    Not a bad policy but not sure how it will chance anything to the falling birthrates.

  6. This is better than nothing but it is ridiculous nonetheless. All it does is ever so slightly offset the cost of inflation and let employers mentally off the hook for not increasing wages.

    This doesn’t even start to address the economic concerns of people of child bearing age let alone speak to the non economic cultural and sociological reasons people aren’t having children.

    It’s not only about money. I repeat, it’s not only about money. People think their world is on the verge of apocalypse.

    Hey there you of child bearing age, the world is going to end, and blow up and you’re all going to die so don’t use your money to have fun. Spend all your money to have kids thinking makes zero sense. So if you want to do something to get people to have kids start addressing climate concerns, health concerns. Every other social concern. International politics… got a lot of other stuff to worry about if you want people to start having kids. 5000 yen a month isn’t going to cover the 250,000 “investment” in a child when wages are low and the world is on fire.

  7. 5000 yen per child, wow, wife and I are suddenly horny for 3rd, 4th children!! Why not 5th and 6th !? +2万 monthly!!! Yuriko-baachan, you’re amazing!

  8. How about revise the working conditions to support women so that they don’t have to choose between being a mother or being an indentured servant?

  9. I heard that the reason it’s only 5,000JPY is because the Mega Big Boy lobbyists petitioned long and hard to knock up I mean down.

  10. Put the 5000 in some crypto every month. When they are 18 you either have a pittance or a fortune for them.

  11. Baby steps I guess? More availability of child care and reform of labor practices is what’s needed really.

  12. Seoul and Tokyo are doing a government-collab? They hate each other for pre-WWII period, but they certainly think alike when it comes to understanding their citizenry.

  13. I had already given up the idea of having another child, until I saw this news.

    That’s all I needed to change my mind.

  14. 5000 extra per month, per kid. On top of the 20,000 and 15,000 we get for our kids. 45,000 a month just to help kids is pretty good.

  15. ahh yes… i suppose that will cover rice prices…….. *trying not to be pissed because its not my country*

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