Some Kama-toro Nigiri from a 700lb bluefin we made at work

Some Kama-toro Nigiri from a 700lb bluefin we made at work

  1. Hi, I’ve never had tuna that’s fatty. What’s this like. What’s the fat like basically.

  2. Hm I’ve been to many high end Omakase spots all over the US, and a I’ve never heard of kama-toro. How does it differ from o toro or chu toro?

  3. Almost seems like if it’s so rare it’s a shame not to just do it as sashimi, any particular reason you guys did nigiri?

  4. My drool is never ending. I have only had kama toro once in Japan. It’s so rare and delicious.

  5. Oh my goodness. This is truly sushi porn, thank you for sharing and explaining what toro-kama is, something I never knew

  6. Looks amazing OP – I didn’t know I could drool like a dog! Also, a nice change from the average looking stuff people often throw up on this sub lol

  7. This is one of my top five cuts, a true delight. If only it was cheaper than $14-20/per nigiri, and available more often.

  8. Oh man I’d love to eat even one piece of this. My mouth is watering at the thought. What a delectable treat! 😍

  9. Wow – this looks incredible.

    Really reminds of Japanese a5 wagyu…. Looks REALLY rich

  10. That looks so good. But I can only have a few pieces as well. It’s so rich and soft it’s like butter. Also crazy expensive where I am, with really only 2 places I trust getting it from.

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