What’s up with my WaniKani account ya’ll?
I use the Tsurukame app and am on lvl 18… reviews used to be a consistent, I’d say, 150-200 flashcards; 200 being the high end. They’re nearing 300 daily now and with my work and kid, this is becoming too much. I usually complete all daily reviews before midnight and try to get in at least 5 of the new flashcards daily if there’s new flashcards to be had.
Are more reviews popping up because of leveling up or is it due to me doing too many flashcards daily that results in more reviews?
Please help, I’m dyin’ over here. haha
Put a pause on new lessons for a bit if reviews are getting to be too much for you. A ton of people (myself included) limit reviews by limiting the amount of apprentice items. I personally am on the slow side and limit it to 50, but a common number to limit it to is ~150. I have roughly 125 lessons available to me right now, and I’ll do 10 a day only as long as it keeps me under that 50.
You’ll always have items from early levels popping up due to the nature of SRS, but limiting your amount of apprentice items will go a long way in getting review counts under control. Check out the WK forum if you want more info.
That’s the problem with SRS, the curve saturates as long as you are not “burning” them.
Learning less new cards will dramatically decrease the curve.
With family and kids I would recommend even just about 2 lessons per day and make sure these stick.
There is learning fatigue and even burn out if you try to power through everything in life.
As others have said, try to limit the amount of apprentice items you have.
These usually pop up the most in the SRS algorithm.
I haven’t used wanikani in a while but it really got to me. At some point I had 2000 cards to go through and it caused me so much stress I avoided it. I think the issue is it’s really unforgiving, and I’d constantly lose cards to typos and me, studying Japanese at university, using a slightly different translation of some words. I kind of ended up cheating by looking up the answer and self verifying every point rather than letting the app decide that for me.
I really wish you could prioritise the cards to be tested on… such as vocab last, newer items first.