脱毛 train adverts

With all of those hair removal adverts on the trains these days is it now much more normal to be fully shaven down there?

  1. it’s mostly a whistle to deal with the hairy butthole problem. It would look like a little beard otherwise.

    t. hairy butthole owner

  2. Nope full bush is still the norm. I see more of you need to spend time at onsen and sento

  3. Never seen a clean shaven one in an onsen or the gym, so I assume it isn’t that normal yet. However I stay more in the suburbs, so probably might need to go to the more populous areas to make a conclusion.

    Would like to try them though. Just not sure if it is damn expensive or not. Currently just doing it myself with a home kit but some areas are just hard to effectively remove.

  4. my partner uses one a bit.

    The ads are to get you in and they’ll do the first couple of sessions cheap but they want you to come in for a whole load of sessions and it’s certainly not gonna be cheap.

    Most people from what I understand use it for armpit hair, and possibly some shaping down there but not all out removal

  5. For women – mostly arm/underarm and leg hair. I think there are more women shaving or at least trimming their pubic region compared to say 10 or 20 years ago, but whatever personal data I have on that is kinda skewed.

    For men – kinda the same, actually. A lot more men are getting into being “pretty” which means removing leg/arm hair. Some guys also do facial hair removal, I guess saves time from regular shaving. I think men are far less likely to manscape though.

  6. VIO laser hair removal is super common, but the ‘triangle’ is usually left as it is.

  7. It’s for body hair. Getting more common to get rid off hair completely down there too, though.

  8. These adverts have been up for years. Trend models come and go, but Rola has been up there for like … five years now?

  9. For a Brazilian (I think that the term “Brazilian wax” speaks for itself lol) it is still kinda strange how people love intimate body hair (the famous “bush” lol) here in Japan… lol
    But a girl that I dated said that Japanese people think it looks like a “kid” if the person is fully shaved, so I think that those are just for the legs or so.

  10. Yeah I got my 脱毛 on my armpits in Ikebukuro. Mainly for hygiene, and I’ve never regretted it. 👍

  11. As others have said, it’s mostly body hair like arm/back/leg tbh.

    I think VIO is of course sometimes done, but I actually heard that being hairless down there is kind of associated with hostess/fuzoku culture so the average girl might avoid it for that reason.

  12. I heard the “salons” are scams with a years commitment, and it’s better just to go to an actual hair removal clinic.

  13. There’s a new wave of brothels masquerading as hair removal salons for men. Just saying.

  14. My wife fully shaved….I kinda like the Japanese bush better though. My wife did hair removal on her armpits.

  15. I’ve seen adds for VIO for a few months now as well. But still when I went to the onsen not too long ago, I still only saw unshaved women. I think maybe it is a little more normal now, but definitely not to the point where it’s a noticeable beauty trend like let’s say, having lash extensions. And even that is something the majority of Japanese women doesn’t have. There are a lot of adverts for beauty trends, but that doesn’t mean that Japanese women massively make appointments at beauty clinics to get this and that done.

  16. My local 脱毛 lady tells me it’s pretty unpopular to go fully clean, but trimming and shaping is quite common.

  17. I literally just walked out of my 全体脱毛 appointment, stop following me OP

  18. A lot of people are saying based on what they’ve seen at the sento / onsen, but I think most shaved men and women would probably avoid the onsen / sento when they are clean shaved to avoid the staring and judgment.

    I’ve known several clean shaved individuals and I think they did the same.

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