Dave Meltzer Has Rated Ospreay Vs Omega From Wrestle Kingdom 17 6.25 Stars.What Are Your Thoughts On This? And What Rating Will You Give To This Match?

Dave Meltzer Has Rated Ospreay Vs Omega From Wrestle Kingdom 17 6.25 Stars.What Are Your Thoughts On This? And What Rating Will You Give To This Match?

  1. People put too much weight on his ratings, it’s just the opinion of someone with well documented pro wrestling preferences.

  2. I thought it was really good but think saying it’s the greatest match ever is a huge stretch. I actually enjoyed Kenoh vs Kiyomiya much more.

  3. I don’t put too much stock in his ratings, but it was obviously a fantastic match. The best I’ve seen in the last year for sure.

  4. Is that the highest ranked NJPW match since Okada vs Omega 4?

    If so, there have been at least half a dozen better matches in my opinion since then. Probably more.

    However, it is just one man’s opinion & it was one hell of a match.

  5. I think the rating and the discourse about it were 100% predictable. Incredible match, no point in agonizing over a made up scale

  6. Great fucking match,but 5 stars is enough for it.I still prefer the Omega vs Okada from Dominion when Kenny took the belt.Can’t remember what he rated that, but I think he did this one a bit too high.Still,great fucking match tho.

  7. For Dave 5 is an excellent, perfect match. Anything about that is in the “best match of all time” category

  8. If Kenny is working rating starts at 5 and Will is working rating starts at 6 for uncle Dave. Don’t take his ratings too seriously. Dude gave Taker vs HBK WM 25 match a freaking 4.75 *physical facepalm*

  9. TK should sign Dave Meltzer. The fact that he rates matches gets more attention than the matches he rates. That’s a needle mover.

  10. I thought it was great. I liked it about as much as I liked Ospreay’s G1 final against Okada, which off the top of my head was probably my favorite match of 2022. Might have even liked it more.

    Couldn’t care less about stars. I agree with the general sentiment of the match being amazing though.

  11. Still haven’t seen a match that’s better than the Bret Hart vs Steve Austin double turn, but Omega Vs Ospreay was gooooood.

  12. Okie dokie. I gave it 2.5. A severe lack of light tubes really hurt the bout overall.

  13. 7 stars for me to be honest. Definitely exceeded my expectations which were 6 stars automatically. /s

  14. If he capped his ratings at 5, everyone would be asking him to rank order his 5 star matches. Going above 5 is just his way of doing this. As a consumer, more information is better than less.

  15. I don’t care about them star ratings. It was a good match but that quality has kinda become the standard in NJPW. Nothing I haven’t seen before. Well aside Kenny smashes Ospreay’s head through the table, that was kinda vicious.

  16. I’m surprised he was that low considering how he gushed over it.

    I went 6 stars for this match.

  17. I think that was the single best match I’ve seen in the last 15 years. I would agree with Uncle Dave’s rating. 10/10 can’t wait to see them fight again, hopefully at Forbidden Door, hopefully in Detroit Michigan at the Little Caeser’s Arena, or what I prefer to call it: The Dough Joe. You’ll only understand this reference if you know Detroit’s arena history. 😉

    Edit: To my downvoters, I got two words for ya.

  18. Christ, I wish we never talked about Meltzer’s star ratings, not because they suck or that I disagree with him, but 10 times out of 10 the comments on the post are fatigue inducing

    “It’s just his opinion” we know

    “His ratings are silly” it’s literally just a dude’s opinion

    “No point agonizing over a scale” that’s exactly what you are doing right now

    To answer your point, in a normal way, I disagree with his opinion but I tend to disagree with Meltzer and I tend to be a bit more strict with ratings but this match is still a 5 star for me

  19. The day he gave his first rating over 5 stars I stopped looking for match ratings. Still love his insight and WON but the match ratings past 5 are so stupid

  20. Totally agree. Kenny shows us why he’s the best bout machine once again and its been a hell of a ride seeing ospreay turn into a complete wrestler with amazing ability. My older bro said to me he thinks Osprey carried omega to a 5 star match but I disagree but Kenny is my favorite wrestler so I could be bias lol

  21. For me it was 6.5 stars
    I can’t wait for another match Between this two great athletes
    I need 2out3 falls match Between this two

  22. 9/10 Ospreay should have won. That said, it was amazing. This was my first time watching Omega, he hyped himself up as the God of pro-wrestling, came in looking like wrestling final boss, and looked every bit of both.

    It was so good that I spent half of the Okada v White match struggling to focus ON THE MATCH and it was also really fucking good.

  23. I mean, I certainly wouldn’t argue that it deserves all of the stars…
    I haven’t rewatched Dominion 2017 in quite a while so I’m not sure if this was better than Omega-Okada’s 6 🌟 time limit draw, but I’m pretty confident Ospreay-Omega was at least slightly better from a storytelling perspective–I need to rewatch WK17 first before ranking precisely just how high up on my All-Time list that match is, but it’s in my top 10, no doubt, no mental calculation necessary.
    I did rewatch Omega-Okada IV [btw that entire Dominion 2018 show is utterly STACKED!] more recently, and it was still the most overwhelmingly breathtaking, phenomenal match I’ve ever seen–aided, of course, by the length and stipulation and context of the matches that preceded.
    Part of me thinks you shouldn’t “break the scale”…but I see the logic. Like how do you reasonably and efficiently convey that there are levels to what constitutes a 5 🌟 match? You can’t retroactively diminish all the 5 🌟 s that have come before, so I get it.

    After just the one watch, I’m inclined to say–
    5.5-5.75 🌟

    What’s even wilder to me is that they pretty clearly left a lot of rounds in the chamber 🤯 I’d bet money they plan to have at least one rematch, especially given the spectacular post-match promo by Will.

    I genuinely believe Omega-Okada IV *could* be topped, but I’m confident it could only be done any time soon by Kenny Omega and one of 2 opponents. Ospreay, and I’m sure you can guess the other.

    Imagine Omega-Ospreay for the WORLD TITLE at Budokan…….. imagine it!

  24. I loved the match and easily a MOTYC but thought both men have had a number of better matches than this in the past, such as all of Okada/Omega, Omega/Naito I&II, Omega/Ishii G1, Ospreay/Shingo I&III, Ospreay/Okada G1, etc.

    I might be the only one who feels this way but I didn’t like the super obvious blading Will did mid-match. It was one of the very few matches that had a very believable grudge story with a truely emotional promo from Ospreay the day before and yet the moment the rest of UE quickly surrounded Ospreay and he came out of it bleeding, the match became just a scripted wrestling match. Of Course, I know wrestling is fake and scripted but it was grating in this specific match because it took me out of the match a bit when I was completely submerged in the story.

  25. I wouldn’t rate it higher than any of the matches Kenny & Okada had but it was damn close.

  26. While the match was not bad (I enjoyed it to some degree, I just don’t think it was a banger), it really makes you question the interest of this rating system when last years completely busted it.

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