After doing anki for 2 weeks I can safely say that I hate the kanji for morning…

This mfer: 朝(あさ)

#Why do I hate it?

The kanji is made out of two radicals

T̶h̶e̶ ̶k̶a̶n̶j̶i̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶ ̶ 車(くるま)

And the AMOGU- I mean… the kanji for moon 月(つき)

#So what?

Welp, whenever I look at 朝, *the first thing I think of are cars*

Edit: ok, so, TIL that the first radical in 朝 isn’t the same as 車…

  1. Careful! That’s a common mistake, but that is NOT the car radical.

    The vertical line does not go all the way through, so you actually have the sun 日 in there! You’ll need a different mnemonic for this kanji.

  2. It might be easier to consider that 朝 is not composed of 車 & 月

    (1) The only radical that 朝 is constructed from is 月

    (2) 𠦝 , which is sometimes considered to be a form of 卓, is not 車. Look more closely at the 𠦝component

    The history of 朝 is murky, but one proposal is that it is composed of

    (3) 倝 meaning Dawn for its Semantic component, abbreviated as 𠦝

    (4) 舟 meaning Boat for its Phonetic component, later corrupted into 月

    Amongst other possibilities.

    So yeah, no cars are associated with the construction of 朝

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