Is there anything (where) you can give Japanese letters and get words made only by those letters?

Hello. I’m starting japanese and well, it is quite a long road till you would be able to read words, or is it?

If there is such thing, such resource, or something similar, I think it may help in remembering the words better, along with the letters themselves.

  1. The only thing that comes to mind is jisho – you can put in wildcards. E.g. [](

    **Edit**: If you’re looking for learning guidance & resources, I put together [a simple plan with resources]( Also check out the [starter’s guide]( for more formal stuff.

  2. Yes, ChatGPT: [](

    Just try to be very clear what you want, you can also ask sentences with x amount of words and that uses words that you give, for example:

    can you make 3 sentences with at maximum 5 words and with the words: “いぬ”,”ねこ”,”鳥”





    Also has spell checking, solve equations, make programming codes. People around here don’t like it because can give you wrong answers, be aware of.

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