Considering a move from Tokyo to Sendai or Sapporo with children. Any parent/student experiences at TIS or HIS?

My last post wasn’t received well (and got me banned!), so I’ll try again with more context.

My Japanese wife and I have been raising our kids in Tokyo. The kids attend our local Japanese elementary school, and they have also spent a year in a school in the U.S. Ideally we would like to move them to an international school from around middle school.

For a variety of reasons, we are considering a move to northern Japan. Sendai is more likely, but Sapporo is also possible.

I am interested in hearing firsthand experiences at Tohoku International School or Hokkaido International School from parents and students/alumni. For example:

* Have you been satisfied with the teaching/academic quality, and how do you think it compares to other accredited international schools in Japan (particularly the more well known ones in Tokyo)?
* What has been your experience with extracurricular activities and sports? Have there been ample opportunities?
* If applicable, how was the experience transitioning from Japanese schools? How was the English language support for non-native speakers?
* How was your experience with career/college counseling?
* For TIS, was there much interaction with Tohoku High School as a sister school?
* Any other points you were particularly satisfied or unsatisfied with?

Thanks in advance for any input!

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