Spouse Dependent Visa- Tax certificate

Hi Everyone,

My company is transferring me to their Tokyo HQ by the end of this month, to start on Feb 6th.

I will be applying for my husband dependent CoE once I am there, since unfortunately my company was not able to attach his application with mine as we were not married yet and received my CoE before we got married.

I am currently making sure to gather all the documents so everything is ready but I am a bit confused with this part and I would truly appreciate it if anyone could share their experience with this part.

“Tax certificate (or tax exemption certificate) for individual inhabitant taxes, and a tax payment certificate (showing gross income and taxes paid for one year) – 1 copy of each”

As I would have just moved to Tokyo, I would not have yet a tax certificate nor a tax payment certificate since I would be new to the country. In this case, can a payment certificate from my company showing my salary along with a letter explaining the situation be enough? We are coming from Montreal, Canada so not sure if I need something from here.

Also, how long did it take you to receive your spouse CoE as the government site says 3 months, but mine took close to 7 months to receive so I want to make sure to plan as I would be living in a shared house and only hunting for an apartment once his arrival is close.

Thank you all

1 comment
  1. A copy of your contract or a letter of employment that includes compensation details would be enough as you won’t have owed any taxes yet.

    Immigration says it usually takes 1 to 3 months to issue a CoE, although I’ve heard there can be considerable variation between the regional immigration centers and the big central one in Tokyo.

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