I was a Mormon Missionary in Japan. AMA

In light of the recent post about cult encounters, a fellow redditor suggested doing an AMA from being on the cult side of things in Japan. Ask away.

  1. All the Mormon guys I’ve seen here seem to be slight genetic variations of each other. Is that due to small sample size, or do the organizers go for a particular look (young, blond, white), or some other reason?

  2. Do you find that in a non religious society like Japan that you have to convince them twice as hard when explaining about the history and beliefs of Mormonism? What kind of attitude do you find when people find out about the story of Joseph Smith?

    On another note, I got in to a hardcore debate with Mormons in Japan who tried to talk to me about it. Dont think they quite expected the Japanese guy to speak perfect English and an understanding of western religions.

    Edit: spelling

  3. I used to see the missionaries around all the time but now they are rarely out and about. Have the numbers decreased? How many members actually in the benches?

    Okayama 89-91 sending good vibes.

  4. Is it true you guys can’t drink coffee and caffeine?
    I read that in a social science lesson in school as a young man.

    Because I remember being on a train in countryside Japan several years ago, and saw a Mormon dude drinking hot coffee.

    Of course he tried to chat me up annoyingly while I was minding my own business, so I asked him:

    *”By the way… why are you drinking that? Doesn’t your religion forbid that?”*

    The dude kinda trailed off and mumbled something I don’t quite recall and I went back to whatever I was doing… probably staring out the window or something.

  5. How did the experience develop you professionally, in your opinion? I’ve heard missions develop really good sales people, since you’re required to approach and attempt to persuade people every day for quite a while.

  6. Sometimes young people from conservative backgrounds can go a little crazy with their first taste of freedom away from their parents. Any scandalous stories?

    A Mormon friend of mine (he didn’t go on a mission himself) and I would occasionally meet missionaries out and about but they always seemed to avoid us or didn’t want to talk even though we were nothing but polite. Are missionaries told to avoid foreigners? Or are foreigners dicks to missionaries so they’ve learned to avoid? Or did we just managed to meet a couple weirdos?

  7. were you assigned in hokkaido? in the past i encounter some of them there. but it seems later on they no longer approach people on the street.

  8. Why do you do it overall?

    Not judging, but I thought Mormons believed there are only a set number of spots in heaven. Also, why do you believe imposing upon others is a good thing?

  9. Since the Mormon church has a yearly tithe was there any bonus or incentives for converting more affluent people or was the church more keen on the numbers?

  10. In the one encounter I had with Mormon missionaries in Japan, once I knew who they were, I told them I was queer and that their church was super shitty to LGBTQIA. and asked them if they were aware of the damage their church has done to my community. I basically reamed them out for about ten minutes, and they just sort of listened. The Japanese one looked shell shocked. I don’t think he knew any of that history.

    I also frankly told them I was an atheist, and that I thought their church was based on bullshit.

    So my question is,

    Did you ever personally run into people who expressed their displeasure at how your church treated LGBTQIA people, and if so, how did you respond? Did it help change your mind about what you were doing?

    And before someone tells me how rude I am, keep in mind that all of this was based on their approaching ME, asking me if I knew about their church and what I knew, and what I thought of it.

    In other words, they bloody well asked for it.

  11. Is there anything I can say to a Mormon cold caller to stop future cold calls? Is there anything that can get you removed from future planned visits?

  12. Have you met your share of Crazy Japanese cult people? Actually, in fact, did you experience any beef with any local cults other than Mormonism?

  13. We used to see you guys swarming all over our corner of Kyushu before the pandemic, then you disappeared. Did covid cause you guys to retreat?

  14. Do you guys still offer free English lessons to ~~indoctrinate~~ introduce Japanese to Smith’s teachings?

  15. Is it normal to ghost people who meet or connect with? Almost every missionary from the LDS church has down that. They’ll friend me on line and maybe talk with me like once then they never get back to me. Everyone I have met from the LDS are super nice and everything but trying to get a good conversation with them is a challenge because as they told me they are one location like max two weeks if that.

  16. Hey OP glad you made it out. I was raised in a cult-ish like off shoot of Seventh Day Adventist and pretty much got ostracized by my extended family when I left because I didn’t agree with some of their BS ideologies. I had the support of my immediate family though. It was one of the most mentally rewarding experiences in my life and glad I took that step.

  17. Hi! I actually met someone while in college here in Japan who left the church but got here as a missionary. He told me about tying himself to the bed to prevent from masturbating lol. Is it true and how often do you think this happens?

  18. Oh hell yes I got many questions;
    Are people there nice? So far I encountered them four times, everytime was good, they seemed like honest people but I don’t know since I’m not one of them.
    What kind of music can you hear?
    What is the rule you hated the most?
    Can you date and do stuff like kissing etc. before marriage?
    What is the thing with the elders about?
    How’s a mormon wedding?
    Can you divorce? If so, under which circumstances?
    What if somebody is gay, will they kick you out?
    Thank you!

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