Mother of Abe’s killer apologizes to the Unification Church for having inconvenienced the Church

Mother of Abe’s killer apologizes to the Unification Church for having inconvenienced the Church

  1. I wonder if she’s going to donate more money in apology now. Seems like the kind of thing the Unification Church would be interested in.

  2. I’m not sure what to make of this.

    On the one hand yes. She’s part of a cult and gives them all her money.

    On the other… If we imagine this was an innocent organisation, she would be making a pretty similar apology. Such is the way of Japan.

  3. She is being 100% brainwashed by the cult (I do not want to say it’s a religion because a religion has to be history long and should not involve money at all)
    There’s NO turning back her brains are completely black painted

  4. The entire Christianity is a sect. They appropriated Middle Eastern (Jewish ethnicity) culture (they took one third of our mythology*, like copy-and-pasted it) and the existence one guy there who didn’t fit in, proceeded to make some scary science fiction to hodge-podge it all together just to free some slaves, and then scare superstitious people to submission, which continues to this day.

    If there’s any takeaway, Christianity is the most disastrous result of Cultural Appropriation in history

    *Jewish people, most of whom identify as an ethnicity, not a religion, used to live in the Northwestern Coast of the Middle East in ancient times (many of us are immigrating back there now or waiting for a solution of peace with neighboring nations) and authored amazing mythology about morality and ethics and freedom that is now known throughout the world despite coming from such a small country: TeNaKh, Midrash, and Talmud. Christianity took the first and claimed that it is theirs, written for them all along. The result is a huge conspiracy theory and negative things such as this whole incident.

  5. Well, it’s no wonder that guy had a grudge against the Unification Church. They’ve completely brainwashed his mother.

  6. Oh hey I understood 迷惑をかけ申し訳ない。That’s crazy her concern is causing the church meiwaku.

  7. “I am sorry that my son murdered a former Prime Minister and that it was linked to the church. I deeply regret the inconvenience caused to the ~~Prime Minister~~ church”

  8. Look… Her dead husband isn’t going to get smuggled out of hell by himself. /s

  9. Holy fuck. Talk about indoctrination. Blind to see how much her behavior has damaged her family.

  10. Is it legal for religious organisation to ‘sell’ religious services? I feel like this kind of thing could be prevented with good legislation. Or at least made much harder to pull off.

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