How to find work in japan as a foreigner?

I just graduated from film school, I’m a screenwriter and a producer, I’m from morocco and i wish to come to japan to work in the film industry.

Any short and easy ways to do it?
Is there sites where i can apply in filmmaking jobs?

Thank u.

  1. You have to two options bro, work for a Japanese company or a different. Japanese country will probably require Japanese so learning that is a good start, or look for an international company

  2. In your opinion, why should a Japanese company hire you over an equally qualified Japanese person?

    You have to bring a significant amount of knowledge, skills and abilities to the table to get hired as a foreigner for something like this.

  3. Why Japan in the specific? Can’t you try your luck in your country or somewhere more accessible?
    Do you know japanese? Nobody here speaks english just so you know.

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