Cheap Shops (In Tajimi) To Get Food(Near Expiry) as a broke family who moved from UAE.

Hello, I was wondering if there was a cheap shop in Tajimi where I could buy in bulk and cheap, near-expired food. as we moved from UAE after some hard times and wanted to find cheap shops. We buy from V-Drug and Valor, but if there is any other cheap shop you guys know of, please do let me know. I’m trying to save the some bucks. Thank You

  1. Some grocery stores sell vegetables and fruits at discount prices on small carts. These fruits and veggies are close to being rotten, but they’re still edible. Tofu and rice are both cheap options. I wish you and your family the best.

  2. Also, go to grocery store around 7~7:30pm to get bentos and other pre made foods at 30% – 50% off!

    Not sure what part of Tajimi you’re, but there’s a Gyomu Super near Kani station.
    It’s somewhat cheaper to buy there. (Used to be cheaper, but they increased prices like everywhere else but still worth buying there)

  3. I’m sure others can give general money saving tips for buying food in Japan, but if you’re looking for Tajimi specific things, you may have better look on Facebook? There’s a group for English speakers called Gifu Help & Information. Not sure how many members are in the Tajimi area, but they’re generally a nice and helpful bunch of people.

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