My Working Visa Application Is Not Asking For My Diploma?

I am currently applying for my working visa at the Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles. I have all the documents in the checklist that they have on their website, and everything is coming along nicely. However, I noticed that although I am applying for a working visa as an English instructor, the checklist doesn’t include sending in a diploma. Will I be sending my diploma to the consulate at a later time or is it not required? I remember hearing from multiple sources that diplomas are required to be checked for teaching occupations.

  1. Usually you’d send it in to the sponsoring organisation (your employer) when or before they apply for your Certificate of Eligibility.

    The CoE procedure already check that you are eligible, so mostly no need to send in supporting documents when doing the visa application.

  2. Like /u/pancakepepper mentioned, your academic credentials should have been checked during the CoE phase of the application.

    Do you have a CoE? If so, you’re all good. It was checked then.

    Do you ***not*** have a Coe? Then… Um… Why are you applying for a visa? They’re just going to reject your application.

  3. Anectodal, but I never had to send any documentation to prove that I had a Bachelor’s degree, and I got my CoE. This was for an IT position.

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