Do “その本は誰のですか” and “それは誰の本ですか” mean the exact same thing?

Sorry if this is dumb, I’m obviously very new! I’m not sure if there is a subtlety I’m missing or not. Is there a situation I would use one arrangement over the other, or are they interchangeable? Thanks!!

  1. They mean the same thing, and neither one sounds less natural than the other. They are more or less identical.

  2. If you think about it in English..

    First one could be ‘whose book is that book’ without needing to point so clearly.

    Second one could be pointing at the book, ‘whose book is that’.. you don’t need the second book i.e. whose book is that book if it’s super clear.

    (Keeping mind that the 誰の is shorthand of 誰の本.

    So both work but the nuance of how clear and when to use varies slightly

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