Making a haiku in Japanese

I am trying to make a haiku in Japanese. I made one so far (5-7-5 syllables) using the , but it really just sounds like a sentence split into lines.I have searched up about having to use a seasonal word, but I’m not really sure what counts a cutting word(切れ字)and how to make my haiku feel like poetry instead of a sentence.

1 comment
  1. >not really sure what counts a cutting word

    [here](’s an entry in the dictionary. Or the [first result after a dictionary entry](
    If monolingual dictionaries and whatnot are above your level, the strict limitations of haiku might be a bit too hard.

    I’m not sure if you did, but either way: go look up other haiku and see how people do it, before trying to make one yourself without clear guidance. Like [this](

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