What do you think is a healthy and more realistic approach to learn to this language?

I’ve been learning for a few months and I’m spending most of time during the day studying Japanese. I totally realise the magnitude of the goal here and I’m already feeling like I’m about to burn myself out in a few weeks at max.

People who have attained some level of fluency, what do you think is a more healthier approach to learn this language. Of course I’d like to learn the whole thing as soon as possible but I don’t really have any time constraints.

  1. Just set a schedule and try to stick to it? For example, when I started, I tired to do one chapter in my textbook per week. Often it ended up being two weeks. For me, without such a goal I would probably not have studied as much. But if you feel you are currently doing too much, I think good goals can also help you not burning out. Analyze what are doing now, prioritize, set a realistic daily, weekly or monthly goal (like a chapter per week or one hour studying per day). When you’ve teach that goal do something else that doesn’t add any stress.

  2. For most people, intense study is not sustainable over time.

    It’s better to slow down than stop. Build it into your day if you can. I used to listen to a podcast on the way to work and coming home. Even if on a workday I got nothing else done because I’d had a rough day that was still an hour a day listening.

    Also if most of your study is at a desk or computer, make sure to take breaks and move your body – it genuinely helps mentally besides being physically good for you. Mix it up by, e g , typing ヨガ into youtube and following along with some stretches, or put some Japanese music on and go for a walk/run.

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