Replacing core anki deck

I’ve recently been trying to combine the anki 2k core deck with learning the genki vocab and grammar. Generally I’ll do core 2k on my lunch break then in the evenings do some genki 1 with immersion after.

I’m finding the genki vocab extremely easy to learn due to it being in context at the time. However I’ve found I’m struggling with the core deck in terms of retention.

I’ve picked up the book mastering japanese kanji aswell which is really helping me understand the usage behind the kanji as well as additional vocab.

My question is: Has anyone had any luck just dropping the anki core deck altogether? Also does it sound like I may be shooting myself in the foot learning in this way?


  1. Genki 1+2 covers a total of ~1500 words which is enough to give you a solid foundation. After that you can start making your own flashcards from words you encounter in the wild, be it from graded readers or native material. That way all your flashcards will have a context that helps you remember them.

  2. Idk about genki but I just use the deck for MNN and I keep a personal deck for words I want to remember that I encounter in the wild.

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