One of the best matches/angles of the year

One of the best matches/angles of the year

  1. While it’s a bummer he went back to WWE he seriously maximized his potential in the short time he was there. Beating Okada on the year anniversary of his release from WWE was a great angle, and the crowd totally bit onto that moment. Some people complained he beat Okada and then left, but Okada got the win back in October, so the story was already concluded really.

    Not only that, but he really helped getting TMDK over again. Mikey and Shane are also great on their own but now we also have Bad Dude Tito now because of Jonah who seems to have seriously gotten over with both the western fans and the Japanese audience.

  2. Jonah was giving me heavy Vader vibes during his G1 run, dude looked and was being presented like an absolute monster. His match with Okada made me think of Vader’s matches with Inoki, Fujinami, Choshu, and Mutoh.

  3. He had the worst theme I’ve ever heard, sounded like someone farting over a lo-fi hip hop playlist

  4. I still remember that roar from the crowd when JONAH came off that top rope. What a moment. I’m still sick he left for WWE. Okada/JONAH could’ve been a good future feud and World Title main event.

  5. Honestly, it was JONAH’s best match ever. Okada is the modern-day Bret Hart. He can make a good match with anyone.

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