Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan protests against suspension of visa issuance by China, calls for withdrawal.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan protests against suspension of visa issuance by China, calls for withdrawal.

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  1. On the evening of 10 November, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested to the Chinese authorities through diplomatic channels that it was “extremely regrettable” that the Chinese authorities had announced a provisional suspension of visa issuance procedures for Japanese nationals, and demanded that the measure be withdrawn.

    The Ministry explained to the Chinese side that Japan’s border control measures are implemented on scientific grounds so as not to impede international movement of people, and pointed out that the Chinese measures “are not aimed at combating the new coronavirus”. Following the Chinese announcement, the Japanese Foreign Ministry protested to the Chinese Embassy in Japan and the Japanese Embassy in China protested to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

    The Chinese side explained that the measures were “equal measures” to counter the restrictions on entry from China implemented by some countries, but a Japanese official stated that “Japan has not suspended visa issuance procedures for Chinese nationals, so they cannot be called ‘equal measures'”.


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