Changing apple store to Japan from another country

I recently moved to Japan and would like to be able to download apps that are only accessible in the Japanese store. Can anyone share their experience doing this?

I’m worried about my iCloud and something happening to it if I change my country to Japan.

I read that if I change to a Japanese app store that I need a Japanese credit card. Is this true?

  1. I think you do, but also be careful. It is extremely difficult to change store on apple, as this is linked to your profile, and it is very difficult to change back. Speaking from experience in the other direction – I needed an app that is specific to where I come from and ended up using my old ‘phone with an existing sim card/account from my original region to get this app, as it was impossible to change apple app store for my japan ‘phone. But not everybody can do this.

  2. I’d recommend setting up another account using a different email address. Not sure about if you need a credit card, but either way you’d probably need a Japanese one.

    If you can create the new acct without a CC, just use Apple Music or App Store gift cards, can buy them at any conbini.

    Added note: Think if you change your current accts country, you will lose access to any apps or other content not available in the Japanese stores.

  3. Just create a Japanese apple account. I have both a US and JP account and can switch between the 2 pretty easily. Once you have any JP-only apps downloaded to your phone, you can continue to use them even if your phone is currently logged in to your account from another country.

  4. Not sure if it’s the same for iOS, but for Android I could just setup a Japanese payment profile for my normal Google account and then made payment profile my main one. I did the same when I moved to DE to IE and also when moving from DE to UK. Works like a charm

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