visa troubles, about to expire

hello. please help as I am at my wits end and panicking 😞

my visa ends in about a month. I am planning on moving to a new city when it ends and was hoping to have a new job in this there. I did what everyone told me to do – start months before with job hunting and secure a position before the move. I have had literally no luck, yet tons of interviews…only for companies to tell me post interview that they can’t hire me until I literally move already (but I can’t yet as i am finishing a current work contract) OR they can’t help renew visas and that they need people with an existing one (even though not everyone gets 3-5 years…I only have a 1 year)

however, one company had told me they could sponsor my visa and everything. today they just told me they went with another applicant. I was taken completely off guard and feel foolish/very out of luck.

another company though said they would hire me and sponsor my visa but I would have to gradually build up a schedule (substitute for a school), so if I apply for a visa renewal isn’t there a big chance it will be rejected because the hours could potentially not be enough? idk it seems not totally secure.

what options do I have? is it worth applying for renewal with this company? if i’m rejected, what happens – can I reapply or am I immediately deported? would any other company even reconsider renewing my visa at this point because it’s so close to the deadline?

i appreciate all the help. please let me know if i can clarify anything. much love

  1. Where are you planning to move and what experience do you have (alt, eikaiwa, international school?) The reason for not hiring being about not yet living in the area sounds like an excuse. Is your resume patchy, or have you remained with schools for a limited time before (e.g. one year and out, or broken contracts).

  2. I’m not sure that the starting number of hours is something that needs to be disclosed in the application for your visa extension. As long as you have a solid job offer and they supply the necessary documents for sponsoring your visa I would think it would go through.

  3. Just renew your visa now. Like, yesterday, actually. Then you can quit your job when you find a new one.

  4. Are you leaving a company and moving to a new city, without a job, before having secured a renewed Visa?

    Without a job the chances to get a renewal get very slim.

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