Listing my dad’s company as sponsor for Work Holiday Visa to Japan

My dad is a permanent resident in Japan for 40 years. He wants me to come to Japan, work a little bit part time at his company while i travel around.

Being in Japan for 6 months to a year is perfect as I have no interest in living in Japan. I grew up in Tokyo for a decade and Japan isn’t really that interesting of a country for me to want to permanently settle there. But i am afraid that if i list his company and his name in my application, that the consulate might think that i am potentially

1. being brought here by a family member to eventually try to permanently settle there which i have no plans for
2. being brought to japan to mostly work under my father, which goes again Work Holiday Visa because the goal is to have people travel around, spend money, and enjoy the culture while working little hours

On the other hand, i can see also see that listing him could potentially be beneficial as well because there is some level of reliability and assurance that i would be able to navigate in Japan just fine. I also have my dad’s apartment listed as a place i intend to stay during the Visa period

Admittedly, i also come from a family of wealth. The bank statement i am submitting with my application has around 100k in just checking account which might help with the idea that i am just touring around. But it also might indicate that i want to work there permanently under my father and take over? Idk if that makes sense or i am overthinking that

Ultimately what i am afraid is that they might push for me to get a different type of Visa. None of which i am interest in. I just want to stay there for maybe 6-8 months max and leave. The question is: should i leave that information out? Could listing a family member like that cause issues?


  1. The general concensus is to generally leave any sort of intent to work out of the application.

    Also.. is thete even a “sponsor” option? I don’t recall when I did mine..

    Basically you just need to give them a basic travel plan, and just don’t overthink it. It’s not a particularly difficult visa to get.

  2. Do you have to list a sponsor? The intent of the visa is not for work so I don’t see why it would require a sponsor. Probably be better to just not mention it. You have more than enough savings, so money won’t be an issue.

    I think in the application you need to inform of family members living in Japan, and that’s where you would put such information. Don’t think you need to mention anything about sponsorship though.

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