Elementary School Japanese

Where can I find a good Japanese to English translations or terms for elementary school first grade terms? The phrases and instructions on my kids’ homework don’t show up on any translators. For example, tonight’s homework says おおくはいるじゅんになまえをかきましょう。Online translators are complete useless here. I can get that they want something written down, the subject of homework is 1rst grade counting math, but it’s almost nightly these instructions are so cryptic to any translators and there’s no resources I’m able to find online in English.

  1. It means write the numbers in order.

    Although I’m at a loss for where you’d get that translated.

    Good luck.

  2. DeepL has usually worked where other translators fail, but not in this case

    > Write the name of the person you want to be in the most.

  3. No kanji characters are being used makes Japanese kind of a nightmare to read. Some tips I can offer would be to try reading it out loud, as it might make more sense to hear it rather than trying to read it. Also, if you search for the phrase in Google it’ll recommend the search using kanji, and the phrase with the kanji included will be much easier for machine translation to handle.

    As for separating hiragana into words, one approach is to try separating by where you think a particle would be – は、が、を、に、で. For your example you could try

    おおく は いるじゅん に なまえ を かきましょう。

    This is still kinda hard, as it could be は いる or just はいる which would then become 入る. But at least you have more to work with in terms of what the actual words are.

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