Luxury blenders in Japan

I usually don’t want to ask this kind of question but I’m kind of interested.

In the US there are a couple of luxury blender makers like Vitamix and Blendtec, but they’re egregiously overpriced in Japan. If I could find a half-decent deal on one I’d happily buy it, but I’m not paying 3x the US price.

In normal circumstances I’d order one from the US, but with the yen being as it is that’s also a pretty bad idea.

Are there any Japanese equivalents? I don’t want some shit blender from Alibaba that will grind chips of plastic from the sides of the jar into my food, but rather something high-quality.

  1. I find most items from the electronic stores (Bic camera etc…) Sells the top of the range, instead of the cheap stuff you can find on Amazon.

    Maybe start there if no one else got an answer for you.

    Once you have an idea on the make and models, you can buy it anywhere.

  2. >In normal circumstances I’d order one from the US, but with the yen being as it is that’s also a pretty bad idea

    Plus the whole “different voltage and possibly different frequency” thing…

  3. The yen has improved significantly over the last several months. Look at it again it’s still probably cheaper.

  4. FWIW, Vitamixes are worth every penny (yenny?) I’ve used mine daily for 8 years now and it’s still going strong. Costco sells them at good prices.

  5. I got a blendtec for less than $200 USD on American Amazon prime day a few years ago. It might be worth waiting for a sale and having one shipped.

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