Delivery People Opening My Unlocked Apartment Door When I’m Home

It’s happened twice.

I can’t remember which company was delivering the first time this happened, but before I had to pay for a package, but I had left my wallet in the car. I told the driver I was putting clothes on to go to my car (I was in pajamas and forgot about the package coming). He went deliver some packages to my neighbor, but when he came back, no knocking, he just opened up my apartment door all the way to call my attention.

Today, I had to reschedule a package I missed earlier in the door with Yamato. No knock, no door bell ring, but I go to check something in the kitchen and I’d left the door unlocked and my package was inside my apartment. I’m irked bc sometimes I know the delivery people aren’t trying hard to get my attention, but they just act as if they tried and drop me a slip. I’ve never had a delivery person open my apartment to drop the package before today.

1. Is this actually common and I’ve just never been in a situation for this to be happening?
2. If not, where should I be complaining to? Because the Yamato website does not had an easy-to-find link where I can direct my concerns here.

Edit: I should clarify why I’m upset in both instances. It’s not just not knowing they’d just open my door if it’s unlocked.
In what happened today, I know for a fact that the delivery didn’t try to see if I was home at all. This has been an ongoing problem in general and the fact that I didn’t even know my front door was opened because no one rang a door bell or knocked means they’re not trying to interact with me. This is an issue i’m having where I’ll find slips in my mailbox but I’ve been home waiting for something so I’d have known if a delivery person showed up.
In the first instance before winter break, the delivery guy opened the door knowing that I told him I was changing so I could walk outside to grab my wallet from the car. The door was unlocked to answer him, and I left it unlocked in a rush to change, but I told him why I had to go back into my apartment. He opened my door for my neighbors across from my door to see knowing this. Someone below wrote about genkan but the delivery guy that time wasn’t Japanese so i don’t think that applies, either.

  1. Traditionally the genkan was considered part of the outside, and visitors would step into the genkan and call out for attention from the people within the home. That mentality still seems to be present in some people. If you don’t want anyone opening your door then it’s best to keep it locked at all times.

  2. It’s part of Japan, but seems to be less common these days. When I first moved here people just used to stroll in. Maybe it’s where I live now, but rarely happens to me anymore.

  3. At our house they always leave packages outside on the doorstep. As a woman alone I wouldn’t appreciate it if a delivery guy opened my door without my permission even if he’s just trying to be helpful by leaving the package inside so he doesn’t have to disturb me. I would also lock my door from now on in any case, delivery guys are the least of your worries. There are some weird people out there.

  4. I was shocked when I first started living here and a neighbor opened the front door and said こんにちは as I was walking through the genkan in my underwear on my way to the living room. I put a lock on the gate between the carport and the yard so that people couldn’t come up to the front door unexpectedly anymore.

  5. What’s confusing to me is that you seem to take your privacy and personal space very seriously (and rightfully so) and yet do not lock your door.

  6. Nono… what are you people even saying. It’s absolutely not normal.

    It’s space behind a lock(even if unlocked) and every Japanese know very fucking well that’s off limits. Technically you’re not even allowed to go through the mansion autolocks without consent from a resident even if the lobby door happens to be open.

    Make complaints about those delivery people for trespassing if you still have the records. Also, always lock your doors. Burglary is pretty common in Japan.

  7. I do food delivery and if I am to deliver in a building I need to intercom/call the owner to ask for permission to enter even if the lobby door is open or some tenant opened it to go in/out.

  8. It has happened to me numerous times. Fortunately I always lock the door. Freaks me out as a single woman living alone hearing the doorknob shake.

  9. Where do you live? This happens to my friend that lives in the country side and he gets pissed too. Lol I don’t think it really happens in bigger cities although I may stand corrected.

    I think in some areas it might be pretty normal and the locals don’t mind. I think the best solution is to lock your door!

  10. I have a similar issue, every time I order uber eats, the drivers always try to open my door before knocking, fortunately I always have my door locked. But when I first moved here, it freaked me out a little bit. But after reading these comments, it makes more sense now.

  11. >Delivery People Opening My Unlocked Apartment Door When I’m Home


    For many generations, opening your unlocked door when you’re home is totally normal as long as the delivery person stays on your *genkan* floor.

    Especially if you live the countryside, your *genkan* is a public space. Expect to find your mailman standing INSIDE your house’s *genkan* and bellowing out that he needs a *hanko*/signature. It’s normal.

    **Just** in the past 6 months, you can expect to be leaving your package INSIDE your front door on the *genkan* floor, That’s a “Feature” not a fault.

  12. It’s fairly common. If you leave your door unlocked delivery people will often check the door and drop your package off.

    There are three solutions:
    – lock the door
    – request/order a door side package storage device/bag/locker
    – call and tell them you do not want deliveries put in your genkan

  13. The genkan is public space. They can go there and oftentimes won’t even feel weird about it. If you do, lock the door.

  14. Had this happen ! Old dude popped through the door and announced his delivery.

    I kinda gave him what for, and harangued him all the way back to the van.

    Never happened again

  15. Traditionally your genkan is considered part of the outside, so it’s not actually that weird for someone to let themselves in if you leave your door unlocked. So basically just lock your door! As for your delivery problems, put a sign on your door/mailbox asking delivery people to ring your doorbell?

  16. If the delivery person is Japanese, it’s probably because they think of the genkan as public space (old-fashioned thinking, but a lot of their customers are old). If they’re not Japanese, they’re being a creepy asshole. Best to get into the habit of locking up either way.

  17. I’ve lived in Tokyo for close to 20 years, and never once have I heard of a delivery person placing a package INSIDE a house without an owner’s permission. Definitely not OK, wherever you live.

    Japan is one of the safest places to live, but we have the crazies like everywhere else. I recommend at least setting the chain lock on the door.

  18. Been living here 8 years, and this never happened to me before.

    When I request “genkan” deliveries, they are always left at my front apartment door.
    Never heard the door rattle or anything when a delivery came.

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