How much(or percent) salary raise you get each year at your company?

Hi everyone!

How are you all on this hot and humid day?

I am a software engineer and I got a 10% salary raise this year.
I earn around 400k(+insurance, taxes and pension) yen a month and I got 40k yen raise.

I have been working at my current company for 2 years now. This is my second raise. First one was around 25k yen.

Is this the average? Is this good or bad? They said they gave a me a good raise because yen lost value. I was expecting this but I don’t know if it is and average or good or bad raise.

How much raise did you all get?

(Forgive my horrible English)

  1. I got 1/4th of your 10% raise this year. Looks like I might be in the wrong profession!

  2. 10% raise is pretty good. My raises have so far averaged around 7% per raise, with 2 years where I got no raise.

  3. I got a 15.5% raise and I have been with my company for less than a year. Everyone at my company also got an additional 2.5% raise to compensate for the recent price increases.

  4. I’ve been fortunate to average ~15% raises every year over the past 10+ years in Japan. But I work for a foreign company

  5. Zero. If I ask for a raise and they can I could get one, and did recently, but it’s not automatic nor for everyone. The raise I got didn’t even keep up with inflation or CoL. We had people with the company for years quit over it previously.

    Fullstack developer + devops + more at a small Japanese company.

  6. Depends on the company and profession really. If its Japanese a 10% raise is considered very good for a year, most people either don’t get any raise or get a tiny raise like 0.3%. Its ridiculous really, but they will raise you like 1000 yen sometimes in 1 year.

    I would say software engineers can get high raises (if you are highly skilled) because there is a lot of competition and demand, so they don’t want you to leave for another more high paying company, however if you are an average engineer, or the company doesn’t see you as valuable, you might not get any raise or a tiny raise to piss you off, I think its a way for them to make you quit.

    For foreign companies 10% raise a year might be considered normal and possible to get higher raises if you do well.

  7. pretty decent.I got 2.5 percent raise despite Japan dividion getting tons of orders

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