Teacher Water Cooler – Month of August 2021

Discuss the state of the teaching industry in Japan with your fellow teachers! Use this thread to discuss salary trends, companies, minor questions that don’t warrant a whole post, and build a rapport with other members of the community.

Please keep discussions civilized. Mods will remove any offending posts.

  1. After three straight semesters of remote classes only, one of my schools is switching to exclusively in-person classes. Students can opt out, however, in which case instructors have to provide equivalent instruction.

  2. I’m looking to do more quantitative research going forward. Does anyone know a good textbook or other resource which explains basic quantitative research methods? Like, beginner level type stuff. Anything would help.

  3. For the second time my eikaiwa has shutdown for a month for COVID. The pay cut is killing me. I’m just trying to build up my life here in Japan after living super minimally for the first year so I could travel. But now being mostly at home all the time, I got tired of being in an empty space.

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