How do you evaluate your correctness on Anki cards?

I’m curious how people tend to work through their Anki cards, because I’ve gone back and forth on taking it slow and having better recall with the words I know, vs trying to see as many cards as possible.


For example:

* Do you pause and think about the answer first (slow)? Or go right to the answer and then think afterwards how well you remember it (fast).
* Do you type out the words first to help re-enforce, like Wanikani (slow)? Or just go with recall and validate your answer based on what is in your head?
* Etc etc

  1. I stare at the back of the card and decide whether it’s a fail or a pass before I flip it, and I make a real effort to remember if it feels hazy.

    No typing. Typing is a much worse version of handwriting as a memory-aid, I have no idea why people bother with it.

  2. Might also search and ask on /r/anki too.

    Anyway, I value getting through my cards fast.

    I give myself 4 seconds to think of *the one thing* I’m testing myself on, which for me is always meaning. If I get it right, pass with `good`. If I get it wrong, fail with `again`. If it takes more than 4 seconds, automatic fail with `again`. I take maybe 2 seconds to look over a card when I fail it.

    I don’t type anything. Visual confirmation only for answers so I can get through reviews faster.

  3. I personally do 4-5 seconds at most, but if my first guess is wrong I fail. Often I will do 2-3 seconds as my normal before I consider it a fail. If I fail when it comes up 2-3 times I will hit ‘easy’ to advance forward it to retest it. If it becomes a problem I start writing it down and trying to puzzle out why it is a problem. “モンガラカワハギ” is one which I fail on. Particularly katakana variants cause this for me.

    Visual only.

  4. I do sentence cards. If I read the sentence and know what the word means and how it fits into the sentence, that’s the first step. I also produce the word to see if I get the pitch accent right. If both are good, then it’s a pass. If either aren’t 100%, then it’s a fail. I grade a lot harder than most, but it assures I kno the word and am not “cheating” to get my cards done

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