Quick n00b questions about new house build

Building a house in Japan at the moment with a house and land package (have Japanese husband and kids here and am well aware it’s not for financial gain) and wanted to see if anyone has answers for the following:

– what is the best orientation to have the large, living room windows so we get a lot of afternoon sun (south, north etc)? I’m from Australia so need my sunshine (but don’t want it at 5am in summer)
– what are the best optional extras to add? Anyone have experience with an option that changed their lifestyle? At the moment we have solar panels, heated floors and insulation confirmed but can add all sorts of things.
– will it make a huge difference having dark grey outside “bricks” vs white? The white/pink option looks like it would need to be cleaned more often so we’re leaning towards dark grey… but not if it will create a heat sink.

Thanks in advance!

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