Bringing American bacon into Japan? TSA

Returning home after winter break. Is this allowed or will I be busted by TSA?

  1. I don’t know if TSA allow you to bring it on the plane or not, but Japan Custom doesn’t allow those into Japan.

  2. From a google search of “japan customs meat”:

    >[Bringing animals and meat products into Japan requires an inspection certificate issued by an organization of the exporting government (equivalent to the Japanese Animal Quarantine Station). The Certificate is required regardless of transport type, such as cargo, accompanied, or postal article, of quantity, or of usage such as gifts or personal consumption, etc. **No animals or meat products can be brought into Japan without this inspection certificate, even if they have been bought at the Tax-free shops of the airport.**](,as%20hams%20sausages%2C%20bacons%20etc.)

    So if your bacon has the right inspection certificate it can be brought in. I’m guessing it won’t have that though.

  3. There’s a Japanese TV show set at an airport (not a drama or variety show, but the ones where they make foreigners seem like scary nutters). Whenever I am unfortunate enough to catch that show, there’s nearly always some Chinese lady having a meltdown because she’s trying to bring in 100kg of some kind of meat product and they won’t let her. If you get on that show, I’ll upvote you here.

  4. >American bacon… Is this allowed or will I be busted by TSA?

    Bacon is not allowed by both Japanese Ag Check and Customs. I **used** to smuggle bacon all the time but now the every passenger bag goes by the drug-sniffing dogs.

    The dogs lo*oooo*ve bacon and it really sets them off. The drug cops will then chew you out for setting off the drug-sniffing dogs. Everyone in the baggage area is is going stare at the major gaijin drug runner as they frog-march you to the integration room where you will have to write a *gomenasi* letter to customs and also apologize to Ag Control officers too.

  5. Can’t bring meat/produce on flights to Japan. If you have a Seijo Ishii supermarket near you, they have good American style bacon for ¥500 a pack. Just ate some for breakfast this morning.

  6. When I brought my cat into Japan, she had some shreds of chicken in her bowl that I gave her from my sandwich in flight. They would not allow even that through xD

    Meat is definitely not allowed through.

  7. Besides the fact that it will likely spoil after a long trip outside the fridge, the question is why?
    They do sell bacon in Japan and it’s pretty good.

  8. Should be fine. Just keep it with your adderall and marijuana vape pen, for easy processing.

  9. I’ve brought a couple packs of bacon in from the UK in an insulated bag. But do note that it’s not allowed. If the customs people find it, they’ll confiscate it.

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