How do I translate a Japanese word or sentence to English?

The title may sound kind of confusing. I’m learning Japanese and I pretty much know all the hiragana(just started learning katakana). For an example I know むかし ある ところ に can be read as “Mukashi aru tokoro ni”. But the thing is I have no idea what that means in English and how to translate it without using google translate. Am I learning it wrong or something!

  1. You can pronounce the letters, now you need the words and grammar.

    Get a J<>E dictionary and maybe pick up a textbook.

  2. In your experience, has knowing the Latin alphabet meant you could understand any language written with this alphabet? Like if you see ‘*bardziej prawdopodobna jest wersja o tancerzu*’ or ‘*euskarak inguruko hizkuntzekin milaka urteko harremana izan du*’, you can understand these sentences since you know the letters?

    If not, I would think that you’d run into the same issue with Japanese where knowing the writing system has nothing to do with knowing the language.

  3. Bruh, language is more than just the alphabet. You need to learn grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.
    There are some good resources on the internet as well as books you can buy such as:
    – Japanese Ammo with Misa
    – 三本塾
    – Bite size Japanese Podcast
    – iTalki


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