One of the apartments I am looking into has the washing machine out on the balcony.

Would the washing machine get damaged by the rain or snow? Or would insects enter the machine and be a pain to deal with?

  1. I had one on the balcony for a few years. Got a bit dusty but just wipe it once a month and it’s fine.

    No insect or bird issues as this was in Tokyo. Can’t guarantee the same if you live in a forest.

    For a small apartment I prefer it on the balcony, as space inside is too precious.

  2. I seen this in the Mediterranean, as another poster says, just give it a quick wipe down regular.

    If youre worried about the elements, pop a raincover on it during inclement weather.

  3. My first appartment, i had the washing machine on the balcony. No problem with insects or any damage, but it was super annoying on rainy/very cold days. I hated that.

  4. If your washing machine is one of the cheapo ones that are meant to be on the balcony, they probably are fine for rain or snow. Some of the fancy ones that cost more than an ALT’s salary and have bluetooth and touch screens, I might not risk it.

    As for insects, when I had an apartment with a balcony spot in Tokyo, nothing got into the drum itself. After moving to an apartment with an indoor laundry spot, I discovered the space between the outer shell and the spinny bits had become spider central.

  5. I had one on the balcony back in the day. No issues with bugs but it got really moldy in the summer.

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