Being on two 社会保険’s at once

Not sure if anyone will know this, but is it possible to be on two Shakai Hokens at once?

I currently work for two companies and am currently on Companies A Shakai Hoken plan. Company B is saying I needed to be enrolled into their Shakai Hoken plan because I am working more than 80 hours a month. When I stated that I was already under company A’s Shakai Hoken, they seemed adamant that I could also be put on there’s and just be charged for that income separately. I was also under the impression that you can only be on one at time?

Is there the chance that I will also be double-charged shakai Hoken if both put me on it?

1 comment
  1. Yes, if you meet the requirements you are required to enroll. The total payments will be based on your total income and divided between your two companies. Depending on your situation, you will probably be asked which company’s insurance provider you want to act as your main provider. Functionally nothing really changes for you.

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