Hey everyone!
As per the title, I am looking for an Anki deck that can help my vocabulary at the same time as my writing.
I want this deck to replace my RTK (Remembering the Kanji) routine. I have been doing RTK for far too long (currently, have a streak of 1067 days) and continued mostly because of a fear of forgetting the Kanji, but I figured its usefulness had run its course.
Essentially, what I am looking for is a deck that has a sentence where the word I want to learn has been replaced by just Hiragana. The sentence gives the necessary context for me to guess what word is being asked of me. I then write down the appropriate Kanji and check the back of the card if my writing was correct. I also want a reverse card, where the entire sentence is in kanji and the word that I need to know the reading of is highlighted.
In the past, I have made these kinds of decks for my Japanese course at my university. Here is an example card of what I want: [https://imgur.com/a/LvraBEN](https://imgur.com/a/LvraBEN)
I looked around but I could not find what I was looking for. Maybe it is possible to convert an existing deck? I am also open to other suggestions when it comes to learning vocabulary. I like writing because it helps me remember better.
My brother in Christ, just read and watch stuff and make flash cards from that.
You have nearly 3 YEARS of RTK knowledge in your brain, you need to actually start APPLYING it and you can retain your knowledge.
Maybe this may help you? It may depend on your level, and you would need to play around with the fields, since on the front you would need both the cloze and the hiragana.
I agree with the other user that making your own cards is the best, but that deck is fine if you don’t have the time.
I think there are similar core decks, but I am not sure.