Residence Taxes

I’m a little lost in regards to residence taxes, so I figure I would ask for help here.

I just receive the Residence Tax Notification and at the bottom of the page the Total Income Deduction (2) is 512,633 which I was told by an assistant at the school that this is the amount I need to pay, which seems extremely high specially when I take into account that my household size is 2. I’ve look at the different JET websites and they all estimate a Residence tax that is a lot lower than that, even for the 5th year.


In case someone ever has a similar situation: [\_Tax]( this page helped me understand the form better.

  1. Your residence taxes normally are automatically deducted from your paycheck afaik. I suggest that there is likely some kind of miscommunication here.

    Can you say what the Japanese says? I suspect you are mistaking the “total Income deduction” with “tax exempt” income. The English is often not clear, and Japanese people who aren’t tax experts likely don’t really understand it well either so their advice is not always good. I suggest you take it to your local city hall or tax office and ask there. They are usually very helpful.

  2. As reference, mine have always been in the ballpark of 150,000/year. 500,000 seems very, very high, unless you haven’t paid for years or something crazy. While it changes from place to place, that is a pretty significant difference.

  3. Yeah, it sounds like a mistake. It should be 10% of last year’s income. So unless you made 5,000,000 yen last year, it isn’t correct. Are you being charged for two years at once?

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