Did you ever visit Japan before moving there?

I’m saving up to finally visit Japan in about a year, but at the same time I’m planning to move there once I finish college. But now I’m thinking maybe I better just use that money to help me once I actually move there. So just wanted to hear what you guys did, and if it’s a good/bad decision to move there without ever visiting. Thanks!

  1. If you’re stable, you might want to save up.

    If you have **any** history of mental health issues, go on vacation there. Then think about being there permanently – try to visit out of the way locations where English isn’t going to help.

  2. There are a million forks in the road. Your own destiny will be decided on which way you turn, grasshopper. You can’t just “move here”. You need to be a resident to stay past your 3 month tourist visa. You can be sponsored as a student or by your employer. Come over and dig in first as a visitor before you decide one way or another.

  3. Absolutely you should visit Japan first before moving there. It would be worse to spend a “little” money to make sure you like it, instead of spending a lot of money to move and realize you hate it immediately.

  4. I used to visit Japan 1 – 3x _a year_ between 2012 – 2017, so I considered myself very familiar with the country. I lived there for 9 months in 2018 on a WHV and the experience was _very_ different, particularly all the bureaucratic and admin stuff you have to do as a resident. However even though it’s a pain, that experience cemented the fact that I still enjoyed living there, and this year I moved back on a work visa.

    Some people won’t like visiting Japan, some people like visiting but dislike living here, some like living here and have never done the typical ‘tourist’ things. Only you can make the decision of what’s best for you.

    For me, committing to living here meant being prepared to drop a lot of money for moving costs, furniture/appliances, time, etc. I didn’t want to spend all that money to find out 6months down the road that Japan isn’t what I expected and then go home.

  5. I didn’t visit, just straight up moved. I’ve been here five years and still happy 😊

  6. I visited in 2018 and am moving in Summer 2022. I say just dive right in. Visiting first won’t change anything IMO if you are truly passionate about living there.

  7. Yes, many times. I was fully aware that visiting as a tourist I’d see only good sides for the most part, while moving would expose me to all ugly sides of living in Japan as well. I was really enjoying the good points.

  8. Depends on your economic situation. Would it take absolute years to save up to move there after going for just a visit? If so, take the first opportunity to move there. Just make sure to do extensive research on Japan as well as the practical side of moving to a different country first.

  9. Yes, I visited once for about 2 months, then studied there for two years. Am now back in Japan permanently.

    I mean, I wouldn’t move to another city in my home country without visiting it first, I’m not sure why a move to Japan would be any different!

  10. Nope. Just plunged straight in. My fam ain’t got no money for overseas vacation. It was hard but I got in a 国立大学 after language school so I’d say it went okay for me

  11. I have moved to a few different places without visiting. Turned out alright each time. Last time I moved after visiting… was pretty much the same experience.

  12. Yes. I wouldn’t move anywhere I hadn’t been to before. It might work moving cities or states/provinces in your home country, but overseas? It’s very foolish.

  13. I visited one time before moving here. My advice would be to visit the exact prefecture which you are planning on eventually moving to. I love it here, but when I came for a holiday I went to Osaka but then then when I actually moved here, I ended up staying in Nagoya – I was expecting it to be different but was very surprised at exactly how different it was, so the fact I came here on holiday basically had no relation to me moving here in the end especially when learning to speak the language and realising how many different dialects there are too.

  14. I don’t think you necessarily have to visit like others are commenting saying it’s a must. I think you should just do a lot of research on culture, people, food, housing, healthcare, the city you’re moving to, transportation, jobs, anything that will happen in your life to make sure it’s everything you can reason with.

    I visited in 2018 and though I haven’t moved to japan I don’t think a short visit will do much except get you experienced with a few things but you’ll still get the hang of things the first month you’re living there anyway.

  15. Yep, but I was living in South Korea so it was like a 2 hour train ride to Busan then a 2 hour boat ride to Fukuoka. Loved it instantly and saw a really stark contrast between in and Seoul.

  16. I would recommend visiting first and staying for as long as you can (up to 90 days). My first time here was 18 years ago and I vowed to one day live here. I revisited 9 more times and finally made the move this year.

  17. Yeah on holiday. I enjoyed the touristy stuff but I enjoyed the small things like going on walks around Tokyo, the combinis, the sounds and smells and colours the most. I wanted to live there longer to soak them all in which is why I decided to move.

  18. I did visit (before covid) and I’m now living here. I think it’s very important for you to visit before you move here, but if in your visit you only experience what a tourist would experience all would be for naught.

    Try to experience as much as possible what a resident would, culture, food, transportation, language, expenses, housing, social rules, etc. This would give you a glimpse of what is like to live here. And also have fun as a tourist on the “free time” and enjoy your trip haha

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