Interested in moving to Japan after peace corps. Is there any work in international development in japan?

Hello, I am serving in the peace corps this august, and will be in the DR for 2 years. afterwards I am considering living in Japan. I have always been interested in the culture particular the focus on politeness. I am interested in a career in international development mostly working with refugees, and youth. Here in the states I have considered becoming a refugee officer after service, are there any positions similar to that in Japan?([\~:text=Refugee%20officers%20conduct%20interviews%20at,resettlement%20to%20the%20United%20States](,resettlement%20to%20the%20United%20States).)

I would attempt to brush up on some Japanese while in the DR, and learn as much as I can(easier said than done). Thank you in advance for any help.

  1. Also, I have considered joining the jet program as a way to get into the country, and ease myself into Japanese life. Is this a good idea?

  2. You’re not going to get a job with the Japanese government as a foreigner and especially with non-native Japanese. As for JET, if you meet the requirements you can apply, but it’s not going to do you any favors towards the career path you’re looking for. If you meet the minimum immigration requirements (4 year degree, etc) maybe try looking for a job more aligned with what you want to do. Also since your image of Japan seems to be based on stereotypes why not visit before deciding you want to move?

  3. >particular the focus on politeness.

    If you actually do think that, it’s not a good place for you.

    >mostly working with refugees

    Have you looked up the number of refugees that the Japanese government has accepted?

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