Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (January 13, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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If you have any simple questions, please comment them here instead of making a post.

**This does not include translation requests, which belong in /r/translator.**

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I don’t have a question but I have a helpful tip for people that might not know it

    In windows if you type something and press F7 it will turn it to katakana automatically for you

  2. I’m going to Japan soon for work, and meeting a bunch of people (employeed at same company) that have helped organise my appartment, job etc.

    When I meet them is お世話になっております okay to include? I don’t want to seem too demanding or use the expression incorrectly. My Japanese is actually fairly good just totally unused in real life situations.

    Appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

  3. Read this and wondering about it:


    Context: Someone is trying to buy a beauty product but can’t find the store to buy it. They want another bottle of it.


    I can’t figure out what ひと is doing here. Is it something like ひとつ?


    Why didn’t I buy it in preparation (ておく = in preparation?)

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