Does it make sense to study and memorize vocabulary?

Is there an alternative?

Personally, I find it quite difficult to memorize the vocabulary that language teaching books propose. If you don’t immediately use it in a real context, like reading about it in a book or an article, what you just learned disappears. Unless you keep going over and over the same words.

  1. Memorize without context is usually difficult.

    Therefore it might be a good idea to either create or find context you can use in order to easier remember.

    Put the vocabulary in a sentence, and practice with the sentence.

  2. Of course it makes sense to actually study vocab, but if that’s not possible for some reason, someone can still get to a reasonable level of competence without dedicated vocab studies.

    For a majority of my learning journey, I didn’t study vocabulary specifically. It either stuck eventually or it didn’t. Six out of nine years, to be more concrete. At that six-year mark, I could chat up random strangers or have them approach me with no preparations and get an interesting conversation out of it without resorting to a dictionary or gesturing to get my point across.

  3. Have you tried WaniKani? It teaches you a lot of vocab along side the kanji and it really helps the vocab stick.

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