What’s something you really wish you could get in Japan ( can’t just order on Amazon or iherb)

I would kill for a Chobani (especially the flip cups) and some Ben and Jerry’s 🥲

  1. I haven’t really looked on Amazon but miss the massive selection of hummus at American supermarkets.

  2. OP, agree with you on the Chobani / selection of yogurt (esp in US supermarkets).

    I also want the variety of roll sushis (not the futomakis and the tekkamakis and the ones you see at sushi places here, but the fun ones like rainbow rolls and ichirolls and the spider rolls).

    Don’t get me wrong, I love my sushis here, but there’s something about these about these rolls…

  3. cartons of low-fat greek yogurt and cottage cheese, liquid egg whites, bean pasta, lean ground beef, more low-carb foods….

  4. Pizza that isn’t overpriced miniature artisan garbage.
    Choccy milk

    Egg nog


    Fish and chips that aren’t whatever the hell Japan calls fish
    and chips

    Gallons of milk for like $3

    Those shitty eggs that come in boxes of 60 for like $5

    Zero calorie 21g protein/cup oikos Greek yogurt

    Peanut butter that comes in a drum size.

  5. Pickles, in all their various shapes and forms.

    Cold cut/sandwich meats, really just big italian sandwiches.

  6. Biscuits are basically nonexistent over here.

    Although, I love that I can buy Lotus Biscoff over here!

  7. Mince pies. Like, christmas mince pies. That and golden syrup are my top two, probably. I’ve seen both of these sold in Kaldi maybe once or twice in my time here in Japan (12 years), but it could just be because I live further out in the sticks, so I dunno.

    I would’ve also said gravy but I can get gravy now on amazon, it’s more expensive per gram than in the UK, but I can at least get it now. Still wish KFC did gravy over here, though.

  8. Reasonably priced deodorant and shampoo.

    Even the absolute cheapest roll-on deodorant here is like 500 yen a stick. I know it’s about supply/demand etc but still you get one for a pound in England.

    Same goes for shampoo. There seems to be “bargain” matsukiyo own brand stuff and then you shoot up to the tsubaki and other outrgaeously priced stuff – no I’m not paying 2000 yen for a bit of shampoo. Seriously in England even the “good stuff” would be maximum a fiver in the supermarkets.

  9. Proper cottage cheese. Like a big ‘ol tub of Umpqua. A little salt and a shit ton of black pepper mmmm!

  10. Coming from the uk, squash: it’s not fruit juice, it’s fruit juice water flavouring. it’s virtually zero calories and has zero texture, nothing tastes like it.

  11. Here’s a tip – start an American Amazon account as the US version ships to Japan, and depending on your home country conversions might actually work out cheaper based on sales including shipping.

    I recently found a Garmin watch drastically cheaper than my home country, was offered to be charged in my countries currency, is not sold in Japan and it included tax and shipping!

    It arrives next week 😁

  12. Lol I’m almost tempted to sponsee some of you onto the airforce base so y’all can get your Ben and Jerry’s , candy and hummus fix 😂😂

    Edit : sponsor

  13. – Worcestershire sauce (I know you can get it, but I’m sick of paying through the nose for it)

    – decent tea bags (same as above)

    – HobNobs biscuits

    – gravy/onion/bread/mint sauce

    Three guesses where I’m from, lol

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