Free Japanese Honorifics Lecture

Sometimes TOYO University offers free and/or paid online lectures related to learning Japanese and/or working in a Japanese company. Here is the link to upcoming lectures in early February:

However, I specifically recommend the lecture on honorifics:

2023年02⽉12⽇ (日) 01:00 PM ~ 02:30 PM
敬語表現 理論
前田 直子(まえだ なおこ)

I recommend this one because:

1. It’s one of the free ones
2. I have attended the last two lectures by the same professor and really enjoyed them (the material was slightly different each time).
3. The professor doesn’t speak too fast and has well-organized slides. You don’t have to be N2 to understand this specific lecture. I might be around N3.

You can change the website language to English if necessary.

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