Highly Skilled Professional Visa Requirements


I tried to look it up but haven’t seen an explicit answer so I thought I could double check and ask.

I have gotten a pretty good job offer in Japan. If everything went right, I have a shot at getting 70 points on HSP questionnaire, and fulfil that requirement.

The problem is that I have heard that its necessary to have either a bachelor degree or 10 years of experience. I am self-taught, and still a bit short of 10 years. Does this mean that there is 0% chance of getting that visa even though I have the necessary HSP points? If so, are there ways to supplement this with some additional certificates?


Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences.

  1. The points doesn’t determine whether you are eligible for HSP visa. Points determine if your time to PR can be reduced while holding an HSP visa.

    The HSP visa has to be applied and sponsored by the company you will work for. So you get the HSP if they can help you turn in an application that convinces immigration that you are worthy of it.

    AFAIK, HSP requires a bachelor’s or ten years experience, but I am hesitant to say it is a hard requirement since there always seems to be some exceptions.

  2. I received an HSP visa and I had to prove my points (>= 70) before they would issue the COE. Here is a guide that matched my experience:


    It was rigorous, I needed documentation for all points (official patent certificates, public links to research papers). To prove the 10 years of work experience I had to get signed letters from previous employers verifying my start/stop dates and title.

    It is worth trying I suppose to get the HSP without the points, but in my experience it was mandatory. Let us know how it goes in case someone finds this thread in the future. Good luck!

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