UK peeps – health/travel insurance for visiting the UK?

For those of you who have traveled back to the UK since living in Japan, did you need health included in your travel insurance? I’m thinking yes because if I get covid in the UK and can’t take my flight, denied entry to Japan etc. But what about medical issues in the UK? Are you still covered by the NHS for being a UK citizen, even if you aren’t paying tax there?

  1. “Are you still covered by the NHS for being a UK citizen”

    No. You need to be an “Ordinary resident” of the UK to utilize the NHS services for free.

    You’re not an ordinary resident because you’re a resident of Japan.

    Some services will still be covered though.

    But ideally you need travel insurance. I personally recommend WorldNomads.

  2. I second World Nomads. Visited over Xmas and it seemed to be the most reasonable policy with covid coverage. I wanted to make sure my flights were covered in case I came down with it.

  3. I looked into this recently, and it seems if you need to medical services while abroad, the Kenko Hokken will reimburse 70% of the equivalent treatment when you return to Japan and apply for it. Key word is equivalent i.e. if the treatment would cost 10,000 in Japan, you would get 7,000 reimbursed. Also some treatments may not be in recognized in Japan.


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