Does anyone know why AEW only mentions New Japan shows afterwards instead of promoting them when it matters?

Does anyone know why AEW only mentions New Japan shows afterwards instead of promoting them when it matters?

Does anyone know why AEW only mentions New Japan shows afterwards instead of promoting them when it matters? from njpw

  1. Yeah, it’s not AEW’s job to promote New Japan, but it seems weird that they don’t even bother to give a retweet to their partner promotion.

  2. Does NJPW promote AEW shows besides just featuring replays on NJPW World? Honestly unless it involes their specific wrestlers, each company is busy doing their own thing.

  3. I think the answer to that question is pretty obvious: >!Tony doesn’t care about his “partner” promotions unless it directly benefits him.!<

    There’s always a lot of AEW fans who say that the “exposure” that New Japan receives is worth the booking inequality. Yet none of them ever seem to have an answer for how New Japan is supposed to benefit off that “exposure” when AEW never does any advertising for New Japan.

  4. Who cares? New Japan fans are crybabies lmao. They’re not obligated to promote another company show that doesn’t give them any $$$$, you know.

  5. When did r/wrasslin and SCjerk invade this sub?

    Not you OP, im just seeing more and more low-effort comments to shit on something for the sake of it

  6. Because it’s a business. Giving a shout out is better then telling the viewers to spend money on another wrestling product. It’s a slippery slope. Omega being on the show helped draw a lot of eyes and money. Let’s not forget this is 2023, everything is done through social media anyways. AEW promoting another companies wrestling show on TBS/TNT is a no no. Impact wasn’t promoted because of this as well.

    Also, The elite weren’t on the show last week so there’s No point in talking about it when you have other storylines playing out on tv that doesn’t evolve them. Not saying it’s right or wrong but I do think they don’t want to take away from the trio’s titles as secondary to other outside titles. I don’t mind it. I would like to see a video of Kenny winning it though.

  7. Kenny looked cool again for a second in Japan but is straight back to acting like a geek with the bucks.

  8. It seems like they mention New Japan every other week or so, and they always make it sound like a big deal when they do. What are you going on about???

  9. They’re always weird about NJPW stuff, like when JR wouldn’t shut up about wanting AEW to sign Ospreay.

  10. Excalibur is providing context to the Dynamite-only audience who may be wondering why Kenny Omega suddenly has a title.

  11. Cause they are a terrible partner company.

    This long should have been a mandate by NJPW to AEW and I blame Rocky for not making this obvious thing happen.

  12. I genuinely think they didn’t say much last week because they were considerate of time zones and spoilers, and the potential for a lot of the AEW audience to have not watched WK last Wednesday in time for Dynamite. Now it’s a week later, it’s on the viewer if they’ve not made time at this point 🤷‍♂️

  13. Why would they do promo for a different company’s PPVs? Like, mention NJPW in a positive light, sure. Why sell PPVs for them?

  14. I know it’s not required or his job but excalibur did not give a service to the omega ospreay matchat all, even Taz had to say that the match was awesome and Tony did a better job telling the injuries of omega than excalibur did, and Tony and Taz probably know alot less about new japan than excibur does

  15. AEW has a fanbase that won’t watch Rampage in a different timeslot but people here act like that same fanbase is going to sign up for a Japanese streaming service to watch a PPV at 1 am Eastern. SMH

  16. I’m seeing a lot of down votes for anything that dares criticise AEW’s long-running shitty attitude to its partner companies. If an AEW wrestler appearing on a NJPW show means you bellends bringing your toxic attitude over here, you know what, you can keep Kenny. Hell, have Jay as well. Just stay in your fucking sub, I beg you.

  17. NJPW doesnt have a partnership with TNT or TBS…so i dont think they would allow another promotion being promoted on their channel

  18. Because AEW is an evil company that just uses poor old New Japan to get a rub with all the American fans who love it, and poor New Japan just gets nothing at all from being involved with them, getting no interest at all from AEW’s barely existing fan base. – big time sarcasm

  19. Because wrestling is a business, and every company only cares about promoting their own product. It’s not AEW’s job to promote NJPW/Impact, and vice versa. Whenever 2 promotions have a partnership, is because both see a benefit from that partnership, and not because they’re some charity organization wanting to promote all wrestling for everyone. If NJPW higher ups are not upset with this is probably because the benefits from the partnership are big enough to compensate for this.

  20. Nothing to really gain from it I guess? In the end both are still competing for those hardcore wrestling fans, which is us as we’re here now talking about this. Anyone watching AEW and has a vested interest in the NJPW guys will already ideally have a NJPWorld sub.

    It makes sense really.

  21. The thread title sent me into such a shrieking rage that I slammed my desk hard enough to knock down my entire shelf of AEW figures.

    Now, my wife’s boyfriend really doesn’t like it when I make any sort of ruckus in my room. So naturally, as soon as the figs came crashing down, I hear Keeler (he’s the boyfriend) stomping down the hall. He bursts in.

    In a panic, I tried to apologize and explain how unfair this thread is to AEW and its fans. Before I even get to the part about how Kenny beating Ospreay at WK was absolutely the right call, he does the “zip it” motion with his hand in my face. With me now silent, he sighs, then looks me straight in the eyes, and says, “That’s it. No condom tonight.” Then he turns around and leaves my room without another word.

    I’m not exactly sure what he meant when he said that, but my gut tells me it is not good news.

  22. Simple answer, NJPW is on a different channel. AXStv, where Impact also resides. I doubt TBS/TNT want a competing channel promoted featuring two wrestling companies on one channel.

  23. Yes! I’ve always said this. AEW’s only contribution to NJPW is the occasional sending of talent. They put ZERO effort in actually promoting NJPW. They didn’t even promote NJPW during Forbidden Door buildup except one Hiroshi Tanahashi video package.

    This deal is very one-sided. Impact was smart to end their relationship with AEW. AEW benefits no one except themselves.

    I’m an AEW fan btw.

  24. Not a fan of New Japan but this popped up in my suggested and I come in peace. I’ve observed any “partnership” they’ve tricked a smaller company into joining has been very one sided. All their guys become champions and they give nothing in return besides a name drop or two.

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