I want to go to an Onsen, but I am afraid of getting an erection.

If I am naked, what should I do?

  1. 90% of people in the men’s bath will be 50+ craggly men. If that’s your kink, I don’t know what to tell you

  2. Instead of putting the towel on your head, put it on your crotch- that might also get less guys checking to see how they measure up to foreigners

  3. Start masturbating. Assert dominance. Keep eye contact with the alpha male in the bath the whole time. Gaze deep into his soul as you finish. You are now the alpha.

  4. You ever see that episode of Seinfeld where he dates a nudist and at first he thinks it’ll be sexy but soon realizes that there are a whole lot of things that are just gross when naked?

  5. If you get spontaneous erections without any reason, then probably don’t go to onsen, or perhaps get a private room: you can spend all the time with all kinds of erections there.

    Otherwise there is nothing to get excited about. Most guys are of the non-sexy type and the ladies are rare and usually dressed up.

    But just in case you feel like you are getting a boner, sit down in the showering area: nobody is watching your penis there. Get a cold shower.

  6. 1. Let them see your boner, who cares.
    2. Just go in the water if you have a hard on until it goes away.

  7. Some onsens are segregated by gender, others are mixed gender. Which type are you talking about?

  8. Involuntarily catching a glimpse of an 80+ year old dude doing naked squats next to the shower area will kill that very, very quickly.

  9. When needed, concentrate on things that you find displeasing. You like filing your taxes? No? Think about that. You like news stories about young children dying in accidents? No? Think about that. That one person that one time that was REALLY rude to you, but you didn’t get to fire off a witty retort? Come up with one now. Remember when someone said something wrong on the internet? Think about how to correct it. Problem solved.

  10. You could try working around the busy hours at Ibsen’s so you’re around less people. Usually before and after dinner periods are busiest.

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