Yen prices in Meiji Japan

Konichiwa, everyone. I’m a contemporany Japan historian and i’m trying to find the Yen worth inflation from 1890. Can anyone help me where to find it?


The issue is that I want to find how much 30 yen on 1890 would be worth in today standarts.

  1. Japan had the so called “New Currency Act of 1871”, in which the gold standart was adopted. Back then the Yen was split in Yen, Sen and Rin. Two of which don’t exist anymore.

    I can’t find a source right now, only wages of the time, but maybe it helps you anyway.

    Edit: start with the Bank of Japan. Once currency stuff became regulated under just one central bank, things got easier. Currency got progressively standardised after its establishement, just about ten years prior to the date you looking for.

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