How good are new houses?

We all know the reputation of Japanese houses, but people keep telling me that the new ones are much better. Does anyone have personal experience with this?

I’m looking at having a house built.
Do I stand a chance of being warm in winter and cool in summer?
Can I avoid mold?

Is there any company you can recommend that does it better than others?

Thanks very much.

  1. New Japanese houses in urban areas are getting better but smaller over time. There is even a special designation for well-built houses designed to last a long time: 長期優良住宅認定通知書. If you buy or build one of these houses you actually get a tax break, but I don’t have the details at hand. DM me and I will send you the specifics.

  2. Depends how much you pay for it. You want decent insulation and windows, and the most efficient mechanical heat-exchange ventilation you can get.

    Ichijo are good value for money: [](

    You don’t get to customise their houses much, which is how the keep the costs down (a bit).

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